Terms & Conditions for the online shop

These terms of use governs your purchases from, and your use of, the www.nannaguldbaek.com website and form a contract between you and Nanna Guldbæk (hereinafter “Guldbæk”). By making a purchase from, and using, this website you have agreed to these terms of use. Please make sure that you have read and understood these terms of use when using my site.

Guldbaek / att. Nanna Guldbæk Nielsen
Adress: Boruphedevej 37, 9760 Vrå, Denmark.
Email: info@nannaguldbaek.com, phone: (+45) 21183888.
Company ID (VAT): DK38928554.

Buyer is the person who makes the order.

Price and payments

EU Countries:
All prices and delivery charges are shown in DKK and include VAT, in accordance with the applicable legislation. Payment is made online at www.nannaguldbaek.com, using the credit card option.

Guldbaek reserves the right to make price errors, and the right to change prices without prior consent. The payment deadline will be on the invoice, and the minimum is 14 days after the order is received.

Outside EU:
All prices and delivery charges are shown in DKK and include VAT, in accordance with the applicable legislation. Payment is made online at www.nannaguldbaek.com, using the credit card option.

Please note that in case of an order is shipped to a delivery address outside EU, you may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are collected when the shipment reaches your delivery address. You will be responsible for the payment of such import duties and taxes. It should be noted that Guldbæk has no control over these charges and, since these charges are different for different countries, Guldbæk cannot predict their amount. Guldbæk advises you to contact your local customs office for further information.

Guldbaek reserves the right to make price errors, and the right to change prices without prior consent. The payment deadline will be on the invoice, and the minimum is 14 days after the order is received.

All products shown in our shop are digital products and will be delivered to the buyer’s email.

Once you have placed an order and has supplied us with your email address, you will receive an email confirmation. If for any reason Guldbaek is unable to fulfill your order, Guldbaek will let you know at the earliest opportunity.

Specifically for “Pictures From People” orders:
After purchasing a product, Guldbaek will reach out to you via email to get your photograph. When Guldbaek has received your photograph, the order will be completed within 7 business days.

If the delivery is delayed, you will be able to cancel the purchase.

Guldbaek has the right to adjust prices, involve additional cost and change product information such as product pictures and offers without notice. The product images and information texts available reflect the product as much as possible. Guldbaek reserves the right for any errors that may appear on the page. The product may differ depending on the color settings on your computer, and how you decide to print the digital file.

Right of complaint and returns
Because all products are custom made, the Buyer's right to return waives when Guldbaek has received the customer's photograph and Guldbaek has begun the order. This is in relation to danish law “Forbrugeraftalelovens §§ 18-25 (fortrydelsesret)”

If the product is materially defective e.g. wrong file format or colour stains - the Designer is entitled to remedy the defect, to make a replacement, to give a proportionate reduction in the price, or to return the full payment. The Customer is not entitled to invoke any additional powers.

In the event of a complaint, our e-mail address must be stated: info@nannaguldbaek.com and the website where you purchased the item. A complaint about a product can be submitted to the Center for Complaint Resolution here.

Intellectual Property Rights and Copyrights
All intellectual property rights, such as trademarks and copyright, on the website and in the material published on it are owned by Guldbaek. Any use of the site or its content, including copying or storing such content in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use, is prohibited without the permission of Guldbaek.

Guldbaek holds the copyright of the product, and the buyer is not allowed to copy, reproduce, sell or otherwise use the product for any commercial- or third-party use, c.f. danish law “Ophavsretsloven”.

For any additional questions, please reach out to me via email: info@nannaguldbaek.com