Norge På Langs - 2550 km in 30 days
Simen Holvik
Race: 1. July - 30 July

(Stavanger, NO)
Illustration / Merchandise / Website Design
50+ illustrations

Simen started running in 2015 after his father had a heart attack. When his wife Camilla died in April 2019, Simen used running to process grief and to find his inner peace. October, the same year, Simen ran straight into the world's top of 24-hour running.

In 2021 he set a goal to beat the world record of running from the northernmost point to the southern-most point of Norway. 2550 km in 30 days.

For this project, he asked me to create a character and make illustrations that could help describe some of the feelings and thoughts to experience, pre- during and post the run.

It’s a process-driven project, where the character, should continue to develop and change depending on Simen’s mood and thoughts.

The character transform from solid form to fluid form during the race, manifesting the transformation Simen Holvik goes through physically and mentally.

Collected illustrations from the 30 day race: